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Creative Resume



A resume for one of my assignment. Kinda rushed out.

I haven't finish the final touch up, just to upload and see if people like it or not. I like the color pretty much. It was thanks to Jade who told me to change the color.

Well, I had no experience creating one like this so...... I just simply made one and hope the design looks good for my future bosses.

Will update the final version. -A-
Image size
2835x5079px 6.91 MB
© 2010 - 2024 neilwasabi
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Hinata-teh-Lefty's avatar
We're doing a creative resume project and I found this on a google search. This is exactly what I want to do, even though I'm a photographer. I love how nice and neat it is, but still so odd and quirky and different at the same time. The art is beautiful, the creature is so well-thought out, it's just a gorgeous resume and I would totally hire you if I saw this. Great job!